Company data
Below you may find our company data. Please, feel free to contact us at the following link: Contact us.
Trade name: | Ing. Zoltán Bartko – Informačné a jazykové systémy (Zoltan Bartko – information and language systems) |
Registered seat: | Fakľová 24, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia |
Company ID: | 41036620 |
VAT ID: | SK1046045968 (we are subject to VAT). |
Bank: | Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s. Mlynské Nivy 1, SK-829 90 Bratislava, pobočka Letná 40 Košice |
IBAN: | SK87 0200 0000 0019 3145 3651 |